(You may need to make the video full screen)

Crit me .. this is my draft programme for the new Online Exhibition training. What do you need that’s not here?

Does this excite you or put you off? Why?

Reply to me on john@johnallsopp.co.uk or reply in the comments (if you have an account here).

4 Responses

  1. Hello John,
    I am interested. Especially the preparation and the Wave phases attract me.
    If I understand well, the challenge will start somewhere late June and run till the end of October. So that is approx 4 months… looks understandable to me, but on the practical side, it can get difficult to show enough stamina and dedication to hang on.
    Small practical point for myself: I have a gallery exhibition during August (5 till 27). That requires attention, production and effort, but I could benefit from your preparation information…
    Some extra challenge for me with this kind of exercise: I have to translate all text to Dutch (and even French) for my Belgian situation.
    best regards

    1. I think the prep side of things will be fairly relaxed, it’s when we get to the Wave that it would be good to be on it, but I’ve just tried myself and managed about 50% and that’s OK. Better than nothing, better than doing it wrong.

      What’s not on the plan is .. the artist is also producing the art for the show and it’s never going to work that you get the art ready a month before so you can concentrate on marketing, it’s always going to be up to the wire, so these things have to co-exist and so the time stretches a little. But once you’ve sent out the press release, there’s no escape 🙂

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