Let’s make this really simple .. I help visual artists like you gain financial and artistic independence by learning how to sell your art. The goal is to develop one way that is custom designed to be easy and sufficient and that feels right to you. There’s no one art sales system here, everyone creates something uniquely theirs.

My thing is values-based marketing, which means if you stand for fun we’ll do fun marketing, if you stand for awe we’ll do awesome marketing.

So let’s run through your options .. high to low in terms of your investment in yourself, your income and your freedom.


When you post to social media, what you say matters (even if you don’t say much). Transform is an online course where you’ll discover new buyers and become confident about what motivates them to buy. Once you know and use that, your marketing efforts become so much more effective which means you need to spend less time marketing and you’re free to enjoy more time in the studio. We’ll design and build your own unique art sales system so buyers are ready to buy once they reach you.


The fastest way forward is for us to work together to get you where you want to be. In discussion, I’ll quickly see how I can help most effectively.

We can do it one-to-one, I’ll give you access to my diary and you can book yourself in.

If you’ve not had coaching before, it’s fun, it’s relaxed, and it can get you over hurdles you’ve been avoiding for years.

I also occasionally run group coaching, you can add yourself to the wait list for that.

One-off Consultation

Whatever you need help with navigating art sales and marketing, I’m here for you, let’s talk it through and get clear on next steps.

Sell Your Art Your Way: Be More You and Escape To Freedom

That’s my book, available only on Amazon, it runs through the whole values-based marketing process for artists. I’m presently recording an Audible version.

Pivot to Art Freedom

A new short and affordable course that shows you how to track your marketing and social media actions and learn from what works so you continually improve your marketing, just like you are always improving your art practice.

If you want access to all of this (easier to manage, saves money), email me.

Confidently Sell Your Art 5-day Challenge (free)

My 5-day challenges are very popular and might just change your life, the next one starts 26 August and is optimised for EDT (New York / US & Canada east coast time), you need to register .. click the button

Monday Recommendation (free)

For free, join my mailing list (see the right hand side of the footer) and I’ll send you a Monday Recommendation every week.

If you implement these the results are compound. They are small things to do but they multiply and over time you’ll start to wonder where your success is coming from .. it’ll be this (but obviously you’ll think it’s because people are finally realising your art is amazing).

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