Easy Reach


Reach More Art Buyers Using These 7 Smooth Instagram Tweaks



Reach More Art Buyers Using These 7 Smooth Instagram Tweaks


  • 7 easy and proven Instagram improvements to get more reach, delivered as a video course, 1 per week (so you get chance to make it a habit)
  • A Facebook Accountability Group so you Do it, Measure it, Celebrate it.
  • A reminder PDF at the end so you don’t forget
  • A checklist at the end so you have it to hand
  • Live Instagram account reviews (could be yours if you put yourself forward)

These are selected easy but proven changes to your Instagram posts that you can make into a habit so your Instagram account steps up a gear.

Registration CLOSES 2nd September 2024

BONUS: free Pivot to Art Freedom training so you can measure your improvement for yourself.

(This is not an Instagram or Meta product or service and is not endorsed by Meta)

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