When the next booth is selling more than you

John Allsopp

When you’re exhibiting at an art show and the artist in the next booth is selling. They’ve got lots of people turning up to their booth and you’ve just got a few. What’s that feel like? It’s easy to feel bad and criticise them. Perhaps your technique is better. Or you say well, they’ve given […]

How to convert interest into sales without selling your soul

Hi again I’ve written a couple of posts in this ‘series’ now, one was about how, as an artist, to get onto page one of Google. The other was about how to get the right people to like you when they find you. Today I want to write about the final piece of the puzzle, […]

punk / be a leader (yes you)

Hey Before I get started, I want to thank everyone who got back to me about the last post, I really appreciate the support and feedback. This is not me telling you that you should do things the way I say. Sure I haz skillz, but it’s more important that I listen and share, so […]

My nephew built my website

I flaked a little on websites when social media came out. I was like “why does anyone need a website when you can just have a Facebook Page?” But a couple of things have brought me back. The first is learning more about content marketing. (You’ll be chuffed to learn that your artwork is ‘content’.) […]

The Website To-Do

Although I’ve been building websites since 2000, when I got serious about working for artists I realised I didn’t know the answer to the question “what makes an ideal artist’s website”. I mean, I could have sat down and worked it out for myself. But instead, I thought I’d ask artists what they wanted. So […]

How to price your work

This article explores the pricing of art. If you would like to get a clear idea of how to market and sell your art and live well on it, consider joining my mailing list here. One of the things I’ve loved discovering is how entrepreneurial artists are. I also thought artists would be rubbish at […]

“No-one buys from my website”

I hear this a lot “no-one buys from my website, they buy from exhibitions”. There’s the feeling that people come to your website and just noodle around. “Ooh, that’s nice.” But never buy anything. The problem is the psychological frame I think for many artists websites it just never occurs to the visitors they could […]