Clarity & renewed purpose

Serious buyers

Artistic and financial freedom

So you want to sell your art AND do less marketing. You want serious buyers. You want an income and the freedom it gives you without spending hours on social media.

This is not a cookie cutter solution, it’s different.

Every artist has their own message so we’re going to tease that out, test it and ramp up what works for you, uniquely.

This Transform course helps you matter to people.

If this helps you sell just one more painting than usual, this course will be paid for, but we’re not stopping there. This is not a tactic, this will change how you feel about selling your art, forever.

This course focuses on discovering messages that align with your purpose and effectively persuade people to purchase your art.

When I say ‘messaging’ I don’t mean WhatsApp or texting. I mean communicating authentic messages that resonate with your buyers.

Since you’re unique, this programme helps you discover the powerful messages that deliver results for you.

With that done, you’ll be able to write compelling and effective content for

  • social media,
  • exhibition publicity,
  • grant applications,
  • web sites and more.


I’ve seen a 7.5x improvement in engagement & responses. (I guarantee the course, but of course I can’t guarantee your results and that example, while true, may be exceptional.)

Transform doesn’t stop there, I’ll help you build an effective art sales system that works for you using the demand triggers you’ve discovered.

Free your artistic confidence with the Transform programme. Discover what drives you, own your space, and watch as serious buyers flock to your art. I’ll help you cut through the noise to find the sweet spot where your passion meets market demand.

No easy buttons here—just real, tailored solutions to selling your art. I’m not in it for Zuckerberg; I’m in it for you, for humanity, for art. And if you’re not satisfied within 30 days, get your money back, no questions asked.

But let’s be adult: I can’t promise you riches. I promise to guide you to discover yourself and help you find new buyers, uncover new ways to sell to them and build a system to help regularise your income, but you have to do the work. Ready to take the plunge? Let’s finally face this together.


What's in Transform?

  • My unique values exercise to help you work out what drives & excites you
  • Encouragement & advice so you can set up your ‘shop’ (whatever form that takes for the stage you are at)
  • A new way to find serious buyers
  • Discover what to say to motivate your unique buyers
  • We’ll test hard to see what really works ..
  • .. and take those proven words and test again to be sure
  • Design and build your perfect art sales system using those proven ‘demand trigger’ words. We want something that’s easy to maintain and improve and satisfies your needs (& dreams).
  • Let’s try ads with those proven demand triggers, for less work, more time in the studio and a steady income. If you’ve a little budget, let’s explore that.

How is it delivered?

Transform is organised into five stages. I suggest you complete the modules in sequence and at your own pace.

I provide different levels of support to suit your needs, you can take the course as a PDF and run through it yourself.

You can take the online course delivered by video and with my support in the comments.

Or you can take the course with extensive 1-1 Zoom support with me.

I’m significantly raising the price of Transform and removing the payment plan, the current price closes soon.

Transform 3 closes in ..

Registration is now open ..

Who is it for?

To write more powerfully and get more engagement, write to one person. Marketers call that person an avatar. It’s your ideal buyer. We imagine them into existence.

When you write personally to your avatar, the intimacy is attractive. (People want to be seen.)

Here’s my avatar, see how close it is to you.

I’m writing to Lisa, a 50 year old woman living in a village outside Scarborough UK.

She was a purchasing manager, but retired into her second life as an artist. It’s not that art sales are financially essential, it’s more .. she’s capable and this is like a puzzle to solve.

She also gets a buzz from validation, being respected and making a difference when someone buys a painting. Being heard is nice. Sellout shows are nice. A mailing list of fans is lovely.

When the art is selling she goes into her studio guilt-free. She aims for uninterrupted flow-state mornings in the studio, and afternoons for walking the dog and bits of admin. (End of avatar description.)

Transform works for you whether you are a successful artist or just starting out. But that ^^ (with the gentleman variant) is most of my people.

Transform 3.0 wait list

This powerful programme helps you sell more by doing less marketing. In five stages you'll gain clarity about yourself, find new serious buyers, discover your unique power words that triggers them to buy, and create two systems to sell your art.


Transform Solo

The full course as a PDF
£ 197
  • Create values-based brand-you
  • Build your sales process (I recommend one)
  • Test what excites your buyers
  • Get certainty over what to say to sell your art
  • Automate (more time in the studio)

Transform Online

Full online course with support
£ 497
  • Create values-based brand-you
  • Build your sales process (I recommend one)
  • Test what excites your buyers
  • Get certainty over what to say to sell your art
  • Automate (more time in the studio)
  • Lessons delivered online by video
  • Self-paced
  • Support from me in the comments under each video
  • Learn from other artists' interactions

Transform Impact

Full course with plentiful 1-1 Zoom support
£ 997
  • Create values-based brand-you
  • Build your sales process (I recommend one)
  • Test what excites your buyers
  • Get certainty over what to say to sell your art
  • Automate (more time in the studio)
  • Lessons delivered online by video
  • Self-paced
  • 1-1 Zoom support from me, up to 2 x 45 minute sessions for each of the 5 modules
  • Learn from other artists' interactions
  • Support from me also in the comments under each video

Yeah but John, who are you?

I was born in the UK midlands, live in Scarborough, moving to Scotland (higher than Inverness). Partner has ME/CFS. There’s only me here so everything’s 1-1.

John Allsopp asking "What IS your problem?"

What am I good at?

I’m a writer, and I’m writing to you. Yes you! I see you. You don’t like or trust marketing and wish you could just art. I agree, there’s so much bad marketing around. But I’m not messing around. We have a planet to save. I love you, and I want you to be a free and successful independent artist. I work for that all day.

Artist Marketer

Well over 1,000 artists have been through my programmes.

After Brexit it seemed to me journalism has fallen*, and art is our last defence against rising fascism and unrestrained tech. I dedicated myself to a world with feeling and compassion. Join with me by learning how to sell your work and let’s get your art out there doing its job, reminding people what it is to be human.

*obv respect to the strong independent journalists still holding out

I’ve always been an ethical marketer.

The principle I live by is: marketers seek out problems, and organise ourselves to solve them sustainably.

I know many people don’t have a good opinion of marketing, sales and PR. There’s even a whole chapter on bad marketing in the main textbook. That’s not how I do things. I’m here listening to artists’ problems and bringing my lifetime experience to help. There’s free training, low cost guidance and still affordable coaching & learning if you’re ready to get serious.

What have I achieved?

I ran my own PR company for twenty years. I got a first in Internet Computing. Managed and played drums in a ska band for (a different) twenty years. Campaigned for Corbyn. I’m don’t care about big Corporations or famous people so I’ve no names to drop. Been with my partner since 1984. Haven’t killed that many houseplants, considering.

Get discovered by people who connect deeply with why you make your art, who share your values. Art sales & marketing will feel right. Automate (in a good way). Discover a unique way to sell your art that’s perfectly suited to you so you feel confident you are wanted and that you make a difference. Enjoy guilt-free studio time.

If you've tried all ways to sell your art and nothing's worked you need natural, confident and persuasive on-brand messaging, and you need to start now.

It’s like compound interest, better to start early.

Something has to change, that’s why you’re here.

Continue on the down escalator for another month, or change direction with me & us in the next cohort.

Nothing works unless you have your messaging right.

Confident you, new opportunities

Transform: What do I get?

You get a superpower .. what to say to sell your art

Section 1: Let's Get Started

  • Discover what drives you, become an inspiration
  • Get ready to sell .. set up shop
  • Clarify your buyer (new, non-boring/surprising method)
  • Find out why your buyer buys and mix-in the power of art

By the end of this section you’ll be clear about yourself, your purpose, and who cares.

Section 2: Let's roll

  • Build your single best persuasive system
  • Sell your art while you’re in the studio
  • Inspire new buyers
  • Turn it up

By now you know what to say, you just need to say it, big time. Doubt was holding you back .. no longer.

Section 3: Discover your demand triggers

  • Test different marketing communications, see the power of 5x, even 7x better response (no guarantees of that)
  • The numbers don’t lie, your people respond best to this, this and this
  • Plan for 4 weeks on this
  • Grab your winners and let’s go

You’ll communicate in buyers’ terms and be able to apply what you’ve proved to be persuasive in all your social media, videos, emails .. you’ll have a better chance of sales.

Section 4: Build potent messaging

  • Expand on what you’ve discovered: create persuasive articles, videos, reels
  • Save time and effort on marketing that doesn’t work
  • You know you, you know your buyer, and you know what to say .. let’s do this

You’ll understand the power of evergreen content, but also we’re still testing to find that one thing to say above all others. You’ll know that, when this stage is done.

Bonus Section 5: build an ad system to discover and bring in buyers while you’re enjoying flow in your studio

I don’t want to overpromise here, but it is possible to run social media ads to deliver your on-brand messages, make a profit and your sales system becomes pretty much automated. I certainly wouldn’t want to run ads without all the previous sections.

* I never understood ‘lifetime guarantee’ but for me, I was born in 1961, I’ve no intention to retire, I love what I do. I’m eternally curious, always learning new marketing methods (that are really based on eternal truths). My parents lived almost to their nineties, but it basically means I’m here until I’m not, then some soulless bureaucrat will switch off the server. I’ve no successors and there’s only me working here (my partner’s here but she’ll be no help to you). Until then, you have lifetime access.

“In section 2, my best message got a 5.25% response, my worst .92% (I thought that would be a good one). The first message was 5.7x more effective than the second .. this is not small stuff.”

Erase doubt, point the fire extinguisher at overwhelm, get clear about yourself, prove your comms and let's sell some art, get confident and get to the sweet-&-easy-life bit!

Why all five steps matter

1 We start by clarifying what drives and interests you, what makes you different and where can we find others who feel the same way and will support your journey (hopefully sometimes by buying your stuff)?

Getting clear sets you free, gives you permission to be you, it feels great and it’s motivating.

2 Let’s start with a great way to regularise your sales.

It’s a great starting point. As you progress through the next stages you’ll have a place to implement your discoveries and feel their impact. You should start to see the difference in sales, engagement, social media growth and interest.

3 It’s time to explore some reasons why other people might like what you do, and we test them (usually by posting something simple on social media). Is it the flow that excites people, or the creativity, or does it inspire them? We don’t know until we test & measure the responses.

You’ve likely been saying all sorts and talking about yourself and your art. This is completely different. No miracles yet, but you can see it coming.

4 Some reasons to buy worked better than others in the previous sections. We take the best performers and expand on them. You’re likely writing or making video at this point but possibly creating a whole exhibition around a winning theme.

You’re getting into flow with this and gaining confidence in what you’re saying because you’ve proved it.

5 Now you know what to say to sell your art, I suggest a way to use pay-per-click ads to make this really happen so your marketing is more automated and you get more relaxed and confident time in the studio.

Put aside a little of your new income to invest in your own growth and bring dream future-you closer.

If you’re familiar with compound interest, this is the same. Success grows upon success. Start now because every delay means more time working for less than you’re worth.

You’re not just signing up to learn some new stuff, this is not a ‘technique’, it’s not “you’ve got to do Reels every day and do it exactly like this”.

This changes everything. It’s a real journey of discovery and I don’t know the outcome .. it’s your journey .. individual to you and your buyers. I’m your guide and I’ll walk you through if you glitch. You can do this, future you is watching.

Don’t wait for slow art sales to pick up on their own.

It’s not the art, it’s how you present it.

This course helps you discover how to sell your art in a beautiful, ethical way.

Step up, let’s begin.

Transform 3.0 wait list

This powerful programme helps you sell more by doing less marketing. In five stages you'll gain clarity about yourself, find new serious buyers, discover your unique power words that triggers them to buy, and create two systems to sell your art.


OK, that’s everything, scroll back up and choose your future.