Artwork Interview


We talk on Zoom for max 20 minutes about one of your artworks. I send you the files.

(You do what you want with that but I suggest you can edit it into a good Reel.)



We talk about one of your artworks on Zoom, I send you the recording afterwards, it makes for an interesting Instagram Reel (or similar), for example:

You should know that I’m not an artist and don’t know art history, so I’m not an art critic. But I do have interesting things to say that may prompt you into saying things you wouldn’t otherwise have said.

Also, the video editing is all yours to do. It’s up to you whether you cut me out entirely so it’s you talking about your work but you’ve been stimulated into saying things, or set it up as a conversation, link to me, whatever.

I want to keep the price low, so this is just a twenty minute conversation and is pretty much unprepared from my pov. I quite like that, I used to have a video series that was wholly based on unprepared interviews, I think there’s something in that first impression and the untidyness but it’s also easily tidied in the edit.

Like I say you’re doing the video editing but in case you want to know what I use: kdenlive or capcut. And get in touch if you want me to edit also.

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