Link to the last video in case you missed it: . Video 3 is now available too
If you prefer a transcript, here you go (you’ll miss the demo figures, tho):
So this video is about the second step in the New Artist Marketing System and it covers how to gain the attention of someone who’s frankly never heard of you and engage them enough that they are now interested in you and curious about your art.
If you haven’t seen the first video I’ve provided a link. In that last video I showed you how to find your target serious buyer through the Facebook ads system and we had a play with how to introduce scarcity to motivate sales.
One of the comments I received from the last video was “I’ve only got a tablet to run the ads on”. Facebook has you covered, they provide the Facebook Ads Manager app, so it’s completely possible to run this system from your phone, but I think what that person was really saying was .. they’d like to sell their art, but they hate or they are not confident with tech. I have taken that on board and the likely answer is for me to set things up for you if you’d prefer me to handle all the faffy bits. So stick with these videos so you learn how it works, and then .. I’ve got you covered at the end. You can definitely have this system working for you whether you are confident with tech or not.
The opportunity in front of you is this. Facebook has invested gazillions into creating a system that easily lets you discover serious buyers, automatically and affordably. You just need to know how to set it up. But with that in place, you can relax about posting to social media every day.
Even better, it should get you more serious buyers. In other words, your time spent handling enquiries brings more sales than maybe things are at the moment and maybe they are bigger sales too.
With demand for your work rising, you can celebrate and rest more, and that builds and promotes psychological success. Without so much busywork, your subconscious has a chance to contribute ideas, and when you reward yourself perhaps with a glass of wine after a sale or a weekend away after a sellout show, your subconscious turns that into better hunches that lead you to feeling that success comes naturally to you, in the future. You’re training your gut instinct.
Plus, the built-in scarcity of the rockstar lifecycle (which I explained in the last video) makes your work sell more easily, and makes galleries want you more.
Remember too that I’m pretty long in the tooth, I’ve been doing this a long time and never cynically. I believe in marketing as an immense power for good. All I’m trying to do is find buyers who are going to love and appreciate your artwork and hook you two together so they get work that moves them, and you get a new fan.
Alright, so for my next trick we are going to need a video, you’ll see why in a moment.
I spoke about being authentically you in the last video and there’s someone I have in mind when I say that. They are an artist who I know to be an absolute delight. Glorious sense of humour. Lovely to speak with. And for some reason they were doing dry, factual videos of each new artwork. I watched a few and the net result was I didn’t feel warm to the artist, there was nothing to latch on to. So, you know, don’t do that. Just let yourself be yourself.
The tech doesn’t matter. Any smartphone or laptop will do the job, and if you haven’t got one maybe you just need a friend who has.
Some people don’t like to appear on camera. There are ways around that .. if you are happy with your voice, you could show the work, or a collection on video and narrate.
You could drop down to a slideshow if that’s easier or even a powerpoint presentation perhaps.
Even just a slideshow of work with a suitable music track (you’ll need something with suitable rights or Facebook will ban it) .. it would be suboptimal of course but it would fulfil our need for a video.
I would say do what’s comfortable, but try to stretch yourself a little. A phrase that’s being used a lot in marketing circles at the moment is that we should get people to know, like and trust us. When you appear on video as your authentic self, people can get to know you, the people who are going to like you will like you, and if you show up consistently, people will get to trust you. All of that is harder if you don’t appear on camera. It affects your numbers, but it doesn’t make it impossible.
Now, within the ad system, Facebook can store a record of people’s behaviours on your website and with your ad.
So here, if you’re ready, is the almighty big thing and the main point about this whole programme
If you show your video to, say, 1,000 people, Facebook can store which people watch all of it, which ones watch half of it and so on.
Facebook keeps the names secret, you don’t get to see who they are, but .. are you ready?
You can advertise to those who watched all or most of your video.
Think about that for a minute.
Your video got shown to say 1,000 interior designers who you are targeting, and 100 of them watched 95% of your video.
Who watches all of a video if they are not interested?
They are interested.
And Facebook has stored them on a list for you.
So now .. da da daaaaa .. you have a list of warm leads, people who are interested in what you do.
And that list, you can keep sending out videos about this and that .. these aren’t selling videos by the way, they are literally just about what you’re doing and what’s interesting.
And the people who like what you do, they’ll end up on your warm list.
Those who stop watching will fall off your warm list.
So for as long as you feed in videos, you’ve got access, forever, to a list of people who right now like what you do.
And not just a list of random people, these are your target people. Warm architects. Cosy corporate managers. Balmy dentists. Amiable interior designers. Genial dog owners.
That’s it, it’s super simple, let me show you some figures from when I ran it as a test for literally this campaign ..
Alright so I’ve had some comments, let’s give these a go.
“I’m not sure which .. Instagram or Facebook.” Both, test. Nobody knows, you just see what happens and follow the money.
“I don’t know if anyone takes notice, really.” Come on, snap out of that. Everyone is interested in themselves. If you say “I’m in Skegness and I paint flowers in oil” no-one is going to care, who gives a flipping flop? But if you access your story, if you work out your values, if you decide what you stand for, and you say “I have PTSD, I find comfort in beauty and I hope you do too” .. then maybe I’ll go “well blimey, yeah, alright, you broke me, gizza hug, how much is that one?”
“I ran ads before, they didn’t work.” Yeah. So did I. Bet you didn’t do this method tho.
OK, so there’s another video coming and it’s about what to do with these warm leads, these weird people who stuck it out and watched your video all the way through.
At this point, you’re so close to a sale, but .. what shall we do to turn these people into buyers?
That’ll be the next video.
I’d be super chuffed if you join me and come watch it (when I’ve recorded it).
As always, if you’ve a problem, a reason you think this won’t work or won’t work for you, a question, a concern, hit me up and let me learn from you and hopefully fix it for you. Email or comment/reply.
For now, stay safe, sell art, watch out for the next video