- A way that felt completely right and comfortable to you ..
- that gave you more studio time ..
- and made you feel confident you are on the right track?
You could art without guilt or doubt.
Maybe going into your studio would be the first thing you do each day, the most important thing, not something you do later on or in the evening because other things always seem to be more important.
I’m John Allsopp and I’ve been an ethical marketer since the 80s. Nowadays I’m dedicated to helping artists sell their work and feel validated and free.

If you’re wondering how to sell paintings online (or offline), you’re in the right place.
I’m not here to sell you a cookie cutter solution, you may have come across that sort of person “do exactly this, the system works”.
For me the whole point is that art gives us new ways of looking at things. Asking you to follow the same ‘selling art online’ process as every other artist, that doesn’t seem right.
I can help you understand what drives you. What’s important to you. We can explore how that comes through in your art and your marketing, so the come from the same place so that you connect meaningfully with buyers and supporters.
“Can honestly say that this has all really woken me up so much to what I’ve had my head in the sand about! I guess artists can get so taken up with producing their work, it’s harder for us to remember to tackle this side of things”
It often helps artists profoundly when they get clarity on what is actually driving them.
Then we work out how to sell your art so that your marketing lives your values. It feels like your marketing becomes an extension of your art. It feels good because your marketing is congruent with your art.
More than that .. marketing that ‘lives’ your values attracts the right people, they share your vision. So you get fewer timewasters and tyrekickers, and more word of mouth promotion and serious buyers.
A challenge week (free)
The best introduction to my method, which I call values-led artist marketing, is through a Challenge Week. One lovely thing about it is it’s free of charge.
We’ll start on a Monday, go through to the Friday and every day will be something for you to work on. I’ll be there to answer questions and help you through.
(There’s a form at the bottom of this page if you would like to be notified when is the next one.)
Each of those five steps are the key, most important insights that underpin this process.
If you’re going to move from pain-in-the-arse marketing that you hate, working for nothing to keep Instagram’s share price looking pretty to harmonious marketing that you enjoy, that makes you feel free, then there are some key steps. The challenge format addresses each one of those.
On Monday we’ll collect together all the things you do to market yourself so you can see what’s really going on.
On Tuesday we’ll do the most important exercise of all .. assess your values using my unique tool and process. This drives everything, let’s work this out. It’s a real eye opener.
On Wednesday we’re going to explore how to get attention in a way that’s consistent with the values you stand for.
On Thursday we need to work out what is the value you provide to a buyer. When they give you money, what do they get in exchange?
On Friday we’re going to talk about the rockstar lifecycle and how that gives you focus and helps you sell your art. Don’t worry, no tight leather trousers required, it works for everyone creative.
Like I say, that’s all for free and it’ll give you new ideas that will likely stay with you forever. I’ve got forty years of marketing experience that brought me here, this is my best, distilled advice for you.
At the end, I’ll make an offer for more support on your journey so I can help you make it real. There’s no obligation on you to join that, you’ll have everything you need if you’re an independent soul, but I think you might want some experience to walk with you, once you get to know me and you get to see your new future take shape and start to get excited about what’s in store for you.
“‘I really like that, a bigger happiness when you are appreciated, and the greater happiness when your work sells!’ In other words it’s great to be satisfied with your work, but if others appreciate it, that’s a really nice feeling and it bolsters your confidence and spurs you on, and if they like it enough to pay for it, even better.”
The Challenge Week is the only way to get into the support group, so what I’m asking you to do today is leave your email below so I can let you know the date of the next challenge once I’ve .. nailed it on
I’ll only use your email to let you know of upcoming dates, every email has an automated unsubscribe link, and if you stop opening them I’ll delete you off the list myself anyway (no disrespect ). (No marketer nowadays is into having a big mailing list, they only want enthusiastic, up-for-it people .. otherwise all their emails will end up in spam.)
If you’re ready to effectively and enjoyably market and sell your art and gain an enthusiastic fanbase .. put your best email in here:
Stay safe, sell art