
Maybe you’ve tried a few marketing programmes and they haven’t worked or you’ve lost heart. Perhaps they needed you to be something you’re not.

That’s why I don’t sell a one-size-fits-all system. You’re creative, I think we should do creative marketing and that means everyone’s different. So I propose we identify your strengths and emphasise those.

When you get a suggestion from me it comes from my 45 years in marketing, it’s not because I’ve only got a hammer so everything looks like a nail. I’m bang up to date, too, still taking courses, still testing social media best practice every day. You’re getting my best from a lifetime’s experience.

You want a nicer world, I hope. Poet Kae Tempest said art builds empathy, so I get up every day with the drive to improve everyone’s life by helping you fledge your art.

You and me, we’re very similar. I work on my own, I need my space to do what I do. Artists buy my training and coaching. Nothing fancy. No garage full of rare Ferraris.

If it sounds like we might get along and be able to help each other, why not book in a Get Started chat. It’s not a sales call, it’s just to introduce ourselves and explore possibilities.

Anyways, nice chatting, thanks for checking me out. Stay in touch by following my socials if you like (links in the footer).


John Allsopp portrait photograph