Sell your art for a great price and enjoy the life you want.
I’ve been a marketer for 40 years, but I wanted to listen to artists about what they wanted from a website.
We did some website critiques together and the “7 ways to improve your website and sell your art (and 2 things to stop doing)” report is is the result. So ..
- Download the PDF,
- find a suggestion you like,
- implement it.
- Do another.
It’s so easy it feels like it won’t make a difference but don’t kid yourself. This is high leverage stuff. Imagine you in 5 years having done this.
Enter your email below and I’ll send you this .. I want to say ‘valuable’ but it sounds cheesy. But it’s true. I’ll send you this valuable report.
Also, click the box about joining my mailing list and I’ll send you a weekly art marketing email (6am every Monday, UK time). You might like it.
(Perhaps it goes without saying but of course I’ll keep your data safe and it will only ever be used for this purpose. There’s an unsubscribe at the bottom of every email I send, and I won’t and don’t send many anyway. In fact, if you stop opening them, I’ll drop you off the list myself.)