It’s a simple idea. Be more you so you can magnetically attract serious buyers and get them to step forward and buy because they love what you’re doing.

I know you’ve heard it all before, but I’m not selling a system. Discover your art sales system, unique to you. You’re a free artist, you can inspire fans and followers. So let’s make your future happen.

This FREE Confidently Sell Your Art 5-Day Challenge helps you explore the key ideas and walk away inspired, you’ll have what you need to create your own natural sales process that’s much more YOU.

It’s not for everyone. If you want to toddle along making an occasional sale, that’s totally cool but this isn’t for you. If you’re an artist frustrated by low sales, if it seems like nothing works, unsure how to marry what you want to do with what sells and you’re ready to solve the problem .. this will change things for you.

This Challenge starts on Monday 26 August 2024, REGISTRATION CLOSES IN:

Too late, it’s closed

I don’t ask for ‘praise’ or testimonials (I should), they just happen, and I only share comments that happened within the last year in previous Challenges. (Yes I have a spreadsheet for that, what of it?) Here’s what others said about this:

“Gets you to really think about your values, why you do what you do and the kind of people you should be naturally drawn to.”

“Because of getting clarity of the values where I lived by naturally and intuitively I got more direction and I can be more me” Anja

“I have learned what I wish to implement, to make changes that will let me have more time for my art. I need further work on my avatar & advertising too. But first it is my website to upgrade with what you have outlined. Apart with some difficulties with the video times for here in Australia, I did catch up on it all, I think!” Melissa

“Your relaxed and not so salesy way. Showing that you are a normal person, not jumping on stage. The little things like showing that you put your thermoshirt on is a brilliant way of doing that. (lesson learned :-)) I also loved that you really answered the questions and where involved. Keep up the good work.” Rob

“Yes the values helped – 60 I’d not have come up with on my own! – and once honed I seem to have 3 clear versions of me which makes sense of my confusion now! So thank you that’s some helpful clarity.” Jaki

“For the first time I understood my real values not the imaginary ones. And it gave me the understanding why it is important to be really yourself and show it, and how to do that.”

“I am more confident and l know how to get more publicity” Cvetko

“The main thing is to trust yourself and your power. Everyone has it, but not everyone notices it. Believe in yourself and your creative genius.I have gained clarity and hopefully defined my values. Values, more important than anything, even more important than the art I create. More precisely in my art I put values, the main idea, and I share it with people. Every painting I do has a divine flow, an idea and a value, and my job as an artist is to unpack this value and share it with the world.Thanks a lot for the clarification and help” Irena

  • You’ve tried lots of ways to sell your art, none are working well, this is your way forward
  • Get crystal clarity on what drives you & get motivated again
  • Let yourself be more you so you attract buyers who are pre-sold to buy your art
  • Do marketing your way, using your rules
  • Discover the Rockstar Lifecycle to increase desire, regain control, and improve your art

Everyday I’ll share a task for you to complete and post to the group how you got on. It might take an hour a day, but Tuesday is the big one.

I’ll be on hand to help with live Q&A, comment replies and advice, but we’ll also learn from each other’s experiences.

Sell art to people you like, it's all about shared values
Get understood, sell your art

Lovely to meet you, I’m John Allsopp and I’ve been an ethical marketer for over forty years.

If you hate marketing and selling, this is for you. Marketing is the search for a problem, and organising ourselves to solve it sustainably.

Stop talking about yourself. Instead, talk about what your art does for people. That’s harder so we need to work on that. What’s the point of what you do, who wants that? Let’s switch their lights on. Let’s make a difference.

This is about you, and doing marketing the way only you can. It’s you, turned up to eleven.

As I’ve grown older, I’m more clear on what matters. Marketing moves fast but the key things stay the same.

So if you’re running around doing social media posts ‘because you have to’ and getting suboptimal results at best .. I’m saying do less, but with more focus and meaning.

You’ll get all that in this special five days, with my support throughout, for free.

Hosted by John Allsopp, artist marketer

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