Welcome to EasiReach Reels and Carousels.

You now have a login account on SellYourArt.blog, you should imminently receive an email about that which gives you a login and password. You are welcome to change that password*.

If you are logged in, you’ll see a menu option My Profile which, if you click it, tells you which courses you’ve purchased and how far through them you are. You can click the titles to get to the courses.

Under that is a logout option.

If you’re not logged in, you’ll see a login option.

So to the course .. I’ve made it especially simple. Don’t let that fool you .. the work that’s gone into this is profound, and I’m not recommending lots of tips and tricks that don’t make a big difference. These are the techniques that do, for artists.

I could have included a lot of things, but simplicity, clearing away the confusion, and speed are my watchwords. I do provide support, though, in the comments. If you have questions or want to report a win, please do so in the comments, I will read and respond to every one.

With all of that, the course is here: https://sellyourart.blog/courses/easireach-reels-carousels/ . Step forward with confidence.

Stay safe, sell art


* without obligation and irrelevantly, I recommend the Dashlane password manager to keep all your passwords safe and allow you to use longer, more secure passwords without having to remember them or reuse them. You don’t really want your socials to be hacked.