Specifically, this is about building the habit of using artpush.co.uk every day but it’s a good set of ideas for building a habit.

Go & buy Atomic Habits (yes that’s an affiliate link) but I’m guessing you want the answer now.

My favourite one from that book is .. decide you’re that person.

Decide you are the person who posts to social media every day and who takes it seriously and posts a variety of things so ultimately you gain fans and buyers. Become that person, otherwise you’ll be doing it because you have to, you’d rather be doing something else, and you’ll fall off.

So then I like the Loop Habit Tracker app (Android, not an affiliate link). It allows you to build a series of ‘yes, I did it’ that you won’t want to break. There are also apps where you commit money to some campaign you support if you fail. More motivatingly, you could commit to donate to something you hate if you fail.

Everything else you know about and it might work. Add it to an existing routine. Set an alarm. Diarise it. Set time aside to do it ..

.. that’s not a bad one, you could for instance set aside a morning to do the whole week’s socmed. You can schedule your posts, I’m sure you know that. Might be efficient especially if you need to set up a video studio for instance. So then you’d just refresh artpush.co.uk to get all your ideas and your habit is weekly.

If you need an accountability partner, there’s us.

Ultimately though, you’ll only do it if you believe in it, if you feel it’s really you. I know you can try it and sidle into believing in it, so there’s that. But ideally .. you have to believe you are your own social media manager. Congratulations, you got the job, it’s only part time but you’re going to have to turn up and do it so, this is really you now .. act like it.